welcome Venezuelan immigrants and refugees into their territories

The Caminhos de Solidariedade: Brasil & Venezuela project was created by the Diocese of Roraima and Cáritas Diocesana, as a result of a partnership with the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Cáritas Brasileira, Serviço Pastoral do Migrante (SPM), Instituto de Migration and Human Rights (IMDH), Jesuit Service for Migrants and Refugees (SJMR) among other partner entities.
The project’s actions began on October 2, 2018 with the objective of enabling the articulation for the reception of immigrants in the Archdioceses/Dioceses of the country. The Brazilian dioceses can help through solidarity reception.
In this national articulation of the Church, the Archdioceses/Dioceses are invited to welcome Venezuelan immigrants and refugees in their territories, through solidarity actions that will promote, in addition to welcoming, the protection, promotion and integration of immigrants in Brazil.