I | want to be happy again
“Today, far from home, I embrace another culture. I live, move, eat, drink: Everything is different. Tomorrow you can embrace another culture, by your own decision or lack of choice. Then you will live, move, eat, drink: Everything will be different. We are all foreigners. Today I, yesterday another, tomorrow you, maybe. We are citizens of this world”,
Sandra Santos, a Brazilian who lives in Germany.
We are all foreigners. Today I, yesterday another, tomorrow you, maybe.
See some data
In the world , 173 million migrants and refugees are displaced;
In Latin America there are 57.5 million international migrants;
Displacements in the American Continent reach 5.4 million.
In Boa Vista, the situation is more complex than you might think.
You can help by donating furniture, appliances, clothes and shoes in good condition, cleaning and personal hygiene products, you can also help by offering opportunities for income generation and employability, you can also contribute to the dissemination of the #EuMigrante Campaign and the Pana Program , in the solidarity welcome and in everything else that your heart feels and your possibilities allow.
Your donation of furniture, appliances, clothes and shoes in good condition, cleaning and personal hygiene products can be made or sent to one of the offices of Cáritas Brasileira:
Boa Vista (RR) – Avenida Nossa Senhora da Consolata, 1529 – Center
E-mail: casadedireitos.rr@caritas.org.br
Brasília (DF) – Venâncio II Building, Block H, 1st floor,
Rooms 101/104, CONIC, South Entertainment Sector,
E-mail: casadedireitos.df@caritas.org.br
Curitiba (PR) – Rua Paula Gomes, 703, Ground floor – São Francisco,
E-mail: casadedireitos.pr@caritas.org.br
Florianópolis (SC) – Rua Deputado Edu Vieira, 1524 – Pantanal
E-mail: casadedireitos.sc@caritas.org.br
Porto Velho (RO) – Rua Dom Pedro II, 888, sala C – Centro
E-mail: casadedireitos.ro@caritas.org.br
Recife ( FOOT)– Rua do Príncipe, 526, Bloco E, 1st floor – Boa Vista
E-mail: casadedireitos.pe@caritas.org.br
São Paulo (SP) – Rua Jacitara Tipiti, 04 – Jardim Guairacá – Vila Prudente
E-mail: casadedireitos .sp@caritas.org.br
Cash donations can be made directly to Cáritas Brasileira ‘s accounts :
Banco do Brasil – Cáritas Brasileira
Branch 0452-9
C/C: 232.792-9
CNPJ: 33.654.419/0001-16
Caixa Econômica Federal – Cáritas Brasileira
Branch 1041
C/ C: 3735-5
CNPJ: 33,654,419/0001-16
You can find materials about the #EuMigrante Campaign and about the migratory situation in Brazil in different formats (audio, video, image and text) in the downloads menu of our website. Download the files and mobilize your community to help too.